The Benefits Of A Life Estate Deed

 By the time you're old enough to end up in a nursing home, you'll be on Medicare, but the coverage that Medicare provides for nursing homes is somewhat limited, so you'll most likely end up on Medicaid. The difference is with Medicaid, your nursing home expenses have to be paid upon your death, and they can force the sale of your home to recover some of that money.  Here is how you can keep your home in your family and not lose possession of it during your life time. Read More 

Hiring A Disability Lawyer: What To Know

Social Security Disability claim and workers compensation claims can be complex. Having the right Social Security Disability lawyer, and knowing what you should expect from them can make navigating the claims process less stressful for you and your family. Here are some of the basics you should know: What a Social Security Disability lawyer does A Social Security Disability lawyer will help you to collect any unpaid funds which you are owed. Read More 

Tips For A Custody Hearing

Custody hearings are always emotionally charged, even when both parties are trying to do what's best for the child concerned. Obtaining legal counsel is very important in these matters, but there are a number of things that you can choose to do without a lawyer in preparation for a custody hearing. Below are a few tips about custody hearings. Tip 1. Although the language may vary by state, a judge in a custody hearing is always most concerned about a child's best interest and welfare. Read More 

What Can You Do If Facing A Police Lineup?

One piece of evidence that you and your criminal attorney from a firm like The Law Office of Gregory J. Hermiller, LLC might come up against is an eyewitness identification. When a person says that you are the person he or she witnessed committing a crime, it can be hard to dispute that. It is not impossible though. During and after a lineup, your lawyer can take action to help ensure that your rights are respected when it comes to the identification. Read More 

How To Rock The Single Life After A Divorce

Many people who get divorced are so used to being married that being with a partner is all they know. This makes life scary after divorce. You're not destined, however, to live alone nor become "that divorced person." So whether you're divorced or going through a divorce, these four tips will show you how to rock the single life after a divorce. 1. Take the Time to Refocus On Yourself Read More