A Guide To Getting A Liquor License In California

If you want to apply for a liquor license in California, then there are a couple of things that you need to keep in mind. First of all, you are going to need to decide what kind of license you are looking for. There are 5 main types: On-Sale General - This is the broadest category of license that you can get in California. If you want to sell any type of alcohol with the least number of restrictions, then you need an on-sale general license. Read More 

What’s A VSSR Workers’ Comp Claim (And Are You Eligible For It)?

The law treats workers' compensation as a sort of compromise. It gives workers insurance for on-the-job accidents and quicker resolution of a claim once an accident does happen than they'd see if forced to file a personal injury suit. In return, the employer gets immunity from personal injury lawsuits every time an employee is injured. However, there are times that compromise is abused by employers seeking to avoid responsibility for intentional violations of specific safety requirements. Read More 

3 Tips For The Best Surrogacy Experience

Using a surrogate to start or expand your family can be an ideal solution for couples who are suffering from infertility. When using a surrogate, either the biological parents' sperm and eggs can be used, or donor sperm or eggs can be utilized to create a viable embryo that will be implanted in the uterus of the surrogate mother. While surrogacy is a very good option, it is not a simple process and many things must be considered to ensure that the whole process is done in a way that protects the interests of all parties involved. Read More 

Do You Need To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney?

If you've recently been seriously injured in an accident that wasn't your fault, you may be wondering if it's a good idea to hire a personal injury attorney to help you fight your case. Whether you were injured in a serious car accident, were hurt on the job, or had a slip and fall accident outside of a business, it can be scary and difficult to go about normal life after facing a serious injury. Read More 

3 Things To Avoid When Estate Planning

Estate planning is a good idea for anyone as they get older, but it can be challenging to remember everything to be done. It can be easy to make mistakes during the process. Here are some of the things you should avoid doing while you're planning your estate.  Designating a Loved One as Executor It may seem instinctual to designate your eldest child or spouse to be your executor, but that might not be the best thing to do. Read More