How A GPS Can Play A Role In An Accident

As Global Positioning Systems (GPS) become more available thanks to cellular networks and map apps, drivers have come to rely less on traditional maps and their own memories and more on GPS navigation. However, if the driver does not use the GPS safely, she might end up causing an accident. If you can prove that the other driver was distracted by her GPS device, you may find it easier to find the other driver negligent.

Programming the GPS

Some drivers will try to program a GPS while they are at a stoplight or even while they are driving. This is just as dangerous as checking a text message and can cause a driver to be distracted long enough to find herself in a catastrophic accident. Instead, the driver should program the route while parked safely and the GPS will usually reroute the driver automatically if she misses a turn. 

Using a GPS Safely

A GPS user should not treat the device like it is infallible. Sometimes, the GPS will give bad directions or will instruct a driver to use roads that are closed or do not exist. The GPS might have a delay and may instruct the driver to make a turn when it is too late. Then, the driver might make a turn suddenly without checking her blindspot and collide with your vehicle.

Following Instructions

Some drivers look at their GPS to see where they should go but taking one's eyes off the road for even a few seconds can be enough to cause an accident. Instead, the driver should utilize the GPS voice to hear instructions and follow them while keeping her eyes on the road. But unfortunately, many drivers are not careful, accidents occur, and other motorists then need help from experienced vehicle accident attorneys to establish negligence.

Understanding the Importance of Negligence

Even if the accident was entirely not your fault, you will not necessarily be entitled to compensation unless you are able to prove that the other driver was negligent. Instead, you will receive compensation through your insurance provider if you have the appropriate coverage or you may need to pay for your medical bills on your own.  

Therefore, it's very helpful to be able to prove that the other diver was misusing the GPS at the time of the accident. In some cases, you may even be able to have the courts award punitive damages.
