Common Divorce Concerns Addressed

Divorcing can be a challenging experience for anyone to go through. Often, this stress is due to individuals be uninformed and inexperienced when it concerns these legal proceedings. Without a relatively solid understanding about what to expect from this process, it can seem more intimidating than necessary. By learning the following answers to routine divorce questions, you should find yourself in a stronger position for protecting your rights and making sound decisions throughout your divorce.

What If The Other Spouse Is Being Aggressive?

It can be common for individuals to want to lash out at their spouse for divorcing them. While it may be easy to understand this response, it is still counterproductive and can be a source of unnecessary stress. Fortunately, you can help to avoid this problem by directing all communication from the spouse or their legal counsel to your attorney. In instances where the other spouse is actively harassing you, it may be possible for your attorney to secure a restraining order. If the other spouse violates this restraining order, they will face jail time, fines and other consequences.

What Will Happen To The Assets From The Marriage?

Dividing the assets from a marriage can be a highly complicated task that can cause tremendous conflict. Fortunately, you should be aware that you are usually entitled to half of the assets that were accumulated over the course of the marriage. Sadly, you may suspect that your spouse has been hiding assets from you. When this is the case, you should inform your attorney about this suspicion, as they may be able to research the financial history of your spouse to locate any hidden assets.

What If You Can Not Pay For The Services Of An Attorney?

Sadly, there are many individuals that could benefit from being represented during their divorce but they may not seek these services due to concerns about paying the attorney. However, it should be noted that many divorce attorneys are used to working with clients with limited resources. As a result, they will often offer their clients relatively friendly payment terms. This can be through making a series of payments to the attorney or allowing them to collect their fee from the assets of the marriage. The best option for you will depend on the estimated cost of your divorce, your income and assets. For this reason, it is advisable to meet with an attorney that can work with your particular financial situation.

For more information and advice, talk with a divorce attorney, such as John D Rouse.
