How To Change Your Custody Agreement When Your Children Are Not Safe With Your Ex

If your ex-husband is in a situation that is not good for your children, you may find it hard to let him have weekend visits with your children. The problem is you cannot withhold your children from him if the custodial agreement gives him visitation rights. You can, however, seek to get the custodial agreement changed. This is not a simple or fast process, but if you strongly believe that your children are in danger while they are with your ex-husband, you may want to start pursuing a change in your custodial agreement as soon as possible.

Courts need a good reason to approve a change

You cannot just walk into a courtroom and ask for a change in child custody without having a good reason, and you will need proof that backs your reasoning. The courts have one goal in mind when determining child custody issues, which is to make sure the arrangement is in the best interest of the children involved, and they will not make any changes without proof.

If you strongly believe that your children are not safe during the visits they have with their dad, you should not hesitate in asking for a change in your custody agreement. Here are some reasons that may be valid to use when making this request:

  • Drug or alcohol addictions
  • Partying is going on with the children around
  • Your ex is exposing your children to people who are bad influences
  • The house he lives in is filthy or unsafe

Steps you must take to get your custody agreement changed

To achieve your goal, you will probably want to consult with a family lawyer. A family lawyer can help you by preparing a motion with the local court. This motion is a request made to the court to allow you to ask for a change in custody arrangements. The court will set up a date in which you and your ex-spouse must attend a hearing, and the court will hear both sides of the story.

The court may not give you an answer right away, though. They may want to send a social worker to your home and to your ex-spouse's home to determine if there really is danger for your kids. This will also help the court determine which parent would provide the best and most stable environment for the children.

If the court agrees with you, based on the evidence you present, they may terminate your ex's normal custody rights; however, they may still offer visitation rights to him. These visitation rights might allow him to see the kids with supervision.

You must abide by the custody agreement you have; however, you can get it changed in some cases. To learn more about this, contact a family lawyer today. For a child custody lawyer, click this link or do an online search. 
