Passenger In A Car Accident? 4 Things You Should Do To Protect Your Rights

You were a passenger involved in a car accident. You might know what to do if you're one of the drivers. But, do you know what to do if you're the passenger? If you were a passenger, you have the right to seek medical care for your injuries, as well as monetary compensation for your pain and suffering. You may also be entitled to compensation for lost wages if your injuries prevent you from working. Here's what you'll need to do to protect your rights as an accident victim.

Speak to a Personal Injury Attorney

If you've been injured in an accident, it's important that you speak to an attorney at a firm like Burgess, Harrell, Mancuso, Colton, La Porta & Shea as soon as possible. There may be time limits involved, and waiting too long to seek legal representation may jeopardize your claim.

You should also seek legal representation if you're having trouble dealing with the insurance company. If you've been trying to negotiate with the insurance company but you're getting the run-around, an attorney will be able to ensure that you receive the care and settlement you're entitled to.

Obtain a Copy of the Police Report

The drivers will each receive a copy of the police report. However, as a victim, it's important that you receive your own copy. The report will document who was at-fault for the accident. It will also provide other vital information about the accident, such as:

  • Driver's License numbers for each driver

  • Insurance information

  • Vehicles involved in the accident

Take Your Own Pictures

Pictures are an important way to document the injuries you've sustained. You should take pictures of your injuries as soon as you can after the accident. This will document the way you looked at the time of the accident. You should take additional pictures for several days following the accident. This will allow you to document the changes that occurred to your injuries.

Keep an Injury Journal

When it comes time to negotiate a settlement, you might not remember all the details about your injuries. However, your attorney will need that information in order to secure a fair and adequate settlement for you. That's where an injury journal comes in handy. While you're recovering from your injuries, be sure to make daily journal entries about your injuries. Some of the things you should document in your journal include:

  • Pain levels throughout the day

  • How your injuries prevented you from carrying out your daily activities

  • Days you've had to miss from work

You've been in an accident. You're going to need compensation for your injuries. These tips will help you protect your rights so you can receive the settlement you're entitled to.
