Top 4 Questions Most People Have About Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)

If you are currently in the process of pursuing an injury lawsuit for an injury you sustained, you need to understand what maximum medical improvement, or MMI, means and how it relates to your case. 

What Exactly Is MMI?

MMI is a term used in both the legal and medical fields. After any serious injury, your medical team will do everything they can to help you regain your previous level of functionality and health. This may involve such measures as:

  • medication
  • surgery
  • physical therapy
  • chiropractic care 

At some point, your medical team will determine that they have done everything they can to help you get over your injuries and regain your health. At that point, they will determine that you have reached your maximum medical improvement level. 

Does That Mean My Medical Care Is Done?

Reaching the point of MMI does not mean that your treatments are done. It simply means that your doctor does not believe that further treatments will improve your health or increase the use of whatever part of your body is injured. You will still need medical care. This medical care, however, will be focused on making sure that you are able to maintain your health. 

Who Determines When I Have Achieved MMI?

Your medical team or doctor are the only people who can determine if you have reached MMI. They have the expertise to know when you will not gain further functionality. They also have the training and experience to know when a lot more can be done for you. 

Your lawyer cannot determine when MMI has been reached, nor can opposing counsel determine when MMI has been reached. Only a qualified medical team with personal knowledge of your medical history and treatments can determine when you have reached this level.

Why Does My Maximum Medical Improvement Matter To My Personal Injury Case?

Your MMI is very important to your injury case. You do not want to agree to a settlement until your doctor determines that you are at MMI. If you reach a settlement before your MMI is determined, you could still be facing a lot of treatment and medical bills that will not be covered by your settlement. Once you reach MMI, a lawyer (such as one from Daniels Long & Pinsel) and opposing counsel will have the information they need to make an informed decision about what your future medical costs and lost of earnings will be based on the information your doctor provides them with. 

Your MMI determination will help your lawyer reach a fair settlement level with the opposing counsel that will fairly compensate you for your current and future medical cost and lost wages.  
